Sunday, April 26, 2009


What is the purpose of all your hard work for weight loss or muscle gain? To show off a sexy body anyone could be proud of. Part of this equation is building up all that muscle under what may be undesired fat.

Every workout works or attempts to work your muscles. There are three types of muscles, of which two concern us achieving fitness. Skeletal (muscle attached by a bone or tendon) and cardiac muscle (muscle found in the heart). Improving your performance in using these muscles is your primary goal, and will lead to a better looking healthier you.

Each muscle has an origin and insertion point. The origin is the part of the muscle attached to a bone that doesn't move, the insertion of a muscle is the point of the muscle attached to the bone the muscle moves. Electrical impulses facilitate contraction of a muscle. Muscle cells produce ATP for energy, ATP is created through a process which used glycogen as a fuel. While skeletal muscle relies primarily on localized stores of fat, cardiac muscle can use any of the macronutrients (protein, carb or fat) for energy.

Muscles are worked in predominantly two different ways, Aerobically (without oxygen) or Anaerobically (short bursts of higher intensity). Aerobic activity is your standard cardio run, and stimulates the "slow-twitch" fibers in your muscles. Anaerobic activity is your weight lifting and HIIT, which works your "fast-twitch" muscle fibers, and relies upon ATP and oxygen more that aerobic activity. A proper balance of working both fast and slow twitch muscle fibers is important in encompassing physical fitness.

Some science knowledge of what you are doing is an important part of fitness. Knowing your tools for achieving your goals is a benefit few try to take advantage of. Begin taking advantage of it now, and focus your routine around these basic facts about your muscles. For example, rotate the use of fast and slow twitch fibers throughout the week.

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